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Learning always, every project is key to evolution.

Captura de Tela 2016-03-08 às 07.28.49 (2)
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Captura de Tela 2016-03-08 às 07.28.49 (2)
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Captura de Tela 2016-03-08 às 07.37.07 (2)

Captura de Tela 2016-03-08 às 07.37.07 (2)
2014 - Warner Games
Christiano Torreão performed the creative direction of this work for Pink Noise SL that was recorded at Studio Eclipse, which managed the project in Brazil.
2013 - Warner Games
Christiano Torreão, Eclipse Studio Owner, was the Creative Director of the project recorded in the Alcatéia Audiovisual - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Batman Arkhan Origins

2015/2016 - Blizzard
The Studio Eclipse provides all solution for recording of this game.

2016 - Microsoft
The Studio Eclipse provides audio and cast solution for recording of this game.
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